J.J. Kay is Janice Johnson’s pen name.
She draws from a wide range of experiences for her books. She has lived in Florida, Arizona, California and currently in Oregon with her husband. She and her husband sailed to 20 countries on one of their many sailboats. Now, they putter around on a motorboat. The eye of three hurricanes passed directly over their Florida home. Her work experience includes human resource manager, mediator, and advocate for the elderly. She taught high school in Australia and substitute taught in Florida. Currently she is a member of Portland’s Rose Festival Character Clown Corps and marches in at least three parades a year.
Her first dog was a yellow Lab named Schooner who worked as a therapy dog with her for 10 years. They appeared in fashion shows (he generally modeled new clothes), costume parades, reading programs and visits to adult day care. After he passed away, she adopted Morgan, a black Labradoodle puppy, who will try out to be a therapy dog as soon as he stops jumping on people.
While working in and teaching human resource management she was a strong proponent of workplace empowerment, ensuring everyone’s opinions are heard. She has been a leader in American Mensa and spent years designing and delivering training programs for local leaders. She writes about bullies, sexual abuse, mean girls, abandonment, dogs and life after death.
Contact: [email protected]